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So far longala has created 384 blog entries.

Good News in Hard Times

“Hello everyone, God bless you all. I ask that you support us in prayer as we go to evangelize in the rural areas [of Peru]. God bless you.” This was a message that was posted in the CEJA group chat by a young man named Elvis. He asked for prayers as a group of young adults from his local church gathered early one Saturday morning to prepare bags of basic necessities for people in a town called Las Laderas. They wanted to bring food and other supplies for those in great physical need, but more importantly, to bring the Good News of life and hope that would fill the greatest void in their lives. At the end of the day, Elvis shared with the rest of CEJA participants what God had done, of the souls that had been saved and added to the kingdom of God. He encouraged them to press on, continue to share the Good News, and see God show up and save the lost. The time is always now! CEJA (Centro de Entrenamiento Juvenil ABBA) - Abba Youth and Young People training Center is the place where next generation mighty men and women are being raised up through Hanhee Kim World Mission Center. Our God has called many young people to become the fishers of man. Praise the Lord!

Water of Life

Praise the Lord! Our God has been and is still working to save lost people even during these overwhelmingly disastrous times. Located near the eastern seashore of Central India is a small village named Kodavali, where only a handful of Christians live among the village of 5,000 people. This village had no running water and no one could afford to build a water well. But our God had a wonderful plan to provide for these people and used our sponsors to fund a well for them. Now, every time these non-believing villagers draw water from their new well they will read these words on the plaque next to it: “A gift from Jesus. He loves you!” Please continue to pray the whole village will come to drink the water of life through Jesus Christ.

Unstoppable Servants of God

Despite the challenges, the fall ECAP devotional books were successfully published and have already been distributed in many regions to ABBA Peru youth. This large undertaking was successful thanks to the hard work, love, and dedication of faithful pastors throughout Peru. Pastor Rolando Canazas of Iquitos distributed 440 copies of ECAP through a half-day training session with local pastors. Over 1,000 copies were handed out by Pastor Luis Mendoza in Juliaca where a schedule was created for pastors to pick up their ECAP and for those on the outskirts of Juliaca who couldn’t due to restrictions of the COVID situation, they were shipped. Pastor Jose Herrera was able to deliver 150 copies to those in Mazuko, one of the new regions welcomed into the ABBA family. Pastor Hilda spent the day at the COJ International office in Lima helping churches to pick up their devotionals. Pastor Reyes of Satipo was instrumental in scheduling the distribution of the 450 books for that region. Churches in the city of Huancayo were able to pick up their ECAP books from Pastor Efrain Inga. He did not let any obstacle, including his advanced age, stop him from ensuring ECAP reached the hands of every ABBA youth there. For those in San Jose de Quero, a city outside of Huancayo, he personally delivered the ECAP devotional to each home. Even now, devoted pastors and church leaders are demonstrating great perseverance and action in face of pressing times. What faithful servants of God! May God continue to bless, protect, and work in each pastor, leader, youth, and child in Peru. We ask for your prayers for the few remaining regions of Peru who still have not yet received their ECAP devotionals.

Childlike Faith

Six dollars. There’s not much many of us could think to do with six dollars. We probably wouldn’t even notice if it were to go missing. However, for 9-year old Rachelle, this was a fortune, part of the birthday money she received that could have been put towards buying a new toy she really wanted. When her mom suggested giving it to the child their family was sponsoring in Peru, Rachelle made up her mind to do just that. She walked into the mission center office with her six, crisp one-dollar bills and a big smile on her face. She was excited to be able to share the love of Jesus and the blessing she had received to bless another. We know Rachelle’s offering, just like the five loaves and two fish given by a young boy to feed 5000, is so precious in God’s eyes and that He will use it in a mighty way to touch and change a life.

From Desperation to Expectation!

Lord, hear us! And answer us! On July 17th, we fasted and called on the name of our mighty God. From Peru, India, Guatemala, Ecuador, Korea and here in the States, we as God’s people humbled ourselves and approached the throne of God. We prayed for the forgiveness of our sins, removal of this plague, and next generation of mighty young people of God. Orphan children from Peru and India fell on their knees to pray. Some went up to the hills of the Andes Mountain, away from any distractions; others even fasted 3 days to seek His face and mercy. We want to thank you for joining us to pray together and now, let us wait with faith to experience His miracle. We pray that our God will keep and protect you and bless you to have victory each day!

Bread of Life

The second biannual edition of the “Encuentro con Abba Padre” (ECAP) devotional is on its way to the hands of many eagerly waiting youth all over Peru, who yearn to know Abba Father more. We thank God for answering our prayers to get the devotionals printed and ready to ship out before the end of June because it had seemed nearly impossible due to limited manpower and resources from the ongoing lock down in Peru. ECAP has served as a great tool for youth leaders to stay in touch with their members and encourage them in their spiritual walk with Jesus during these times of isolation. As King David rejoiced in the presence of the Lord, we pray that through ECAP, youth would learn to rejoice in His Living Word!

Miracle in the Pandemic

A month ago, I tested positive for COVID-19, but I praise God for the complete healing. As I was feeling completely recovered, my friend Joseph, told me that his uncle, who also happened to be my neighbor and an unbeliever, was also infected with COVID-19. When I heard about this I was convicted and determined to share Jesus with him. I was reminded of Job in the Bible. No one wanted to visit him while he was greatly suffering. The same thing is happening today with COVID-19 patients. No one wants to visit you; even the medical personnel for they are too scared. I know this was God given opportunity. As I shared the Gospel with my neighbor, it was different than times before. I was confident the Lord was speaking through me. I told him, “Repent of your sins. You need to repent of your sins and receive Jesus into your life.” As these words left my mouth, he began to cry. The Holy Spirit was working in his heart. The family is very wealthy business owners, but none of that could save them. By the power of the Holy Spirit my neighbor repented and accepted Christ as his Savior and Lord. I told him that God is not one who comes and goes, but that He would now continually be with him and is able to restore and renew his life. Now he is recovering as well and I was able to take a picture with him. Praise the Lord! Like in the story of the prodigal son, I believe our Father rejoiced as he received a lost son who returned into His arms!

Warrior Called Home

아름다운 동역 세계적으로 고통을 겪고 있는 코로나 바이러스가 점점 확산되어 지는 중에 페루의 여러 목사님들도 전염 되고 있다는 가슴 아픈 소식들이 이어지고 있습니다. 그중에 오랫동안 우리와 함께 예수님의 아이들과 아바 사역을 해오시던 제나이다 목사님이 바이러스를 이기지 못하고 하나님의 부르심을 받아 이 세상을 떠나는 슬픈 일이 일어났습니다. 10년전 남편 목사님을 먼저 천국으로 보내시고 어려운

God Heals!

병든 자들의 하나님! 페루의 COVID-19 감염 환자수는 남미 국가 중 2위에 달합니다. 현재까지 약 16만명이 바이러스에 전염됐으며 그중 4천5백여명이 생명을 잃었습니다. 페루 정부는 전국에 걸쳐 자가 격리 조치를 비교적 빠르게 발동했지만 이로 인한 경제적 파급 효과는 치명적이며 의료 장비 및 재원의 부족으로 인해 사상자가 계속 증가하고 있는 상황입니다. 특히 삐우라와 이끼또스 지역의 바이러스

CEJA (Youth Training Center)

2017년 하나님께서는 훈련을 통해 청소년 리더를 양성해야 한다는 사명을 부어 주셨습니다. 땅끝까지 나아가 복음을 전하는 사명을 기꺼이 감당하기로 작정하는 리더들을 모아 집중적으로 양육할 훈련소 건립이 급선무였습니다. 오랜 기다림 속에 기도의 끈이 이어졌습니다. 첫번째 훈련생들을 모으기까지, 그리고 합숙 생활을 통해 교육을 시키기 까지 수년이 흘렀습니다. 하나님의 은혜로 지난 2019년 2차례에 걸쳐 수련생을 배출했으며, 곧 더욱 많은 훈련생들이 달려오게 될 날을 기대합니다.

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