Riverside Tree Updates

Song of Christmas!

2020년 성탄절을 맞아 페루 [시냇가의 나무 장학생]들이 줌 화상 채팅을 통한 성탄절 축하 만남의 시간을 가졌습니다. 성탄절 축하때 빠질 수 없는 페루 전통 음료인 핫 코코아와 파네톤 케이크도 각자 마련하여 컴퓨터 앞에 모여 들었습니다. 줌 화상을 통한 만남이지만, 서로의 얼굴을 마주보는 것만으로도 기쁨과 감격의 순간이었습니다. 2020년 코비드-19으로 인한 예상치 못했던 많은 어려움은 페루 [시냇가의 나무 ]장학생들에게도 예외가 될 수 없었습니다. 비대면 상황에서 학업을 이어가기 위해 요구되는 인터넷 사정의 열악함을 비롯해 새학년도에 대한 불확실성, 그리고 무엇보다 가족 및 친구들과 사회적 거리두기를 계속해서 유지해야만 한다는 정서적 불안함으로 힘든 시간을 보내야만 했습니다. 그럼에도 성탄절을 맞아 함께 모일 수 없는 아쉬움을 달래며 컴퓨터 화상을 통해 게임을 하고 찬양을 드리며 1년간 수고한 서로를 격려하는 시간은 웃음과 박수와 환호성으로 가득채워져 갔습니다. 한 후원자의 깜짝 격려 메세지도 함께 나누었으며 무엇보다 다같이 한 목소리가 되어 [Te alabare (찬양 드립니다)]를 부를 때 모두의 얼굴에는 예수님의 임재하심을 간절히 구하는 열정들로 가득찼습니다. 학업을 무사히 잘 마쳐 모두가 다 주님의 계획하심을 이룰 수 있게 되도록 뜨거운 마음으로 서로를 위해 기도하는 시간으로 마쳐진 [시냇가의 나무] 장학생들의 성탄절 미팅은 진정 크리스마스의 아름다운 합창이었습니다

ZOOMing to Meet You!

What can be more encouraging and memorable than the moment a sponsor and their sponsored individual meet? For more than 25 years, the summer mission trips were an opportunity for participating missionaries to meet children or youth who they sponsored. Usually accompanied by tears of joy and loving words, these meetings were the fulfillment of countless letters where each side expressed the desire to meet in person. With the situation in 2020, the summer mission trip was canceled and the hopes of many sponsors eager to meet their sponsored child dashed. However, hope is never lost when God is working. A new opportunity presented itself as a means for sponsors to be able to meet their sponsored individual. The end of October marked the first time sponsors in the United States were able to video chat with their Riverside Tree students in Peru. Love was transmitted across a thousand miles as stories and prayers were shared and jokes were made during this priceless time. The first two Riverside Tree students who participated, Enoc and Job Abraham, were delighted to be able to meet their sponsors for the first time ever. They now wait in anticipation for the next time they will once again talk with their loving sponsors. These video meetings have started for Riverside Tree students and their sponsors, so if you are currently sponsoring a student in Riverside Tree, please look forward to being connected with your student soon!

Celebrating 27 Years

김한희 세계선교센터 창립 27주년을 맞이하며 저희들을 불러 하나님 나라 확장을 위한 도구로 사용하고 계신 하나님을 마음껏 찬양합니다. 각 사역마다 하나님의 때와 방법은 성령님의 임재하심으로 완벽하게 이루어졌습니다. 새 사역의 필요를 일깨워 주시고 또 감당해 나가기까지 퍼즐의 조각들이 맞추어 지듯 하나하나 세심하게 공급해 주시고 인도해 주셨습니다.

Miracle in the Pandemic

A month ago, I tested positive for COVID-19, but I praise God for the complete healing. As I was feeling completely recovered, my friend Joseph, told me that his uncle, who also happened to be my neighbor and an unbeliever, was also infected with COVID-19. When I heard about this I was convicted and determined to share Jesus with him. I was reminded of Job in the Bible. No one wanted to visit him while he was greatly suffering. The same thing is happening today with COVID-19 patients. No one wants to visit you; even the medical personnel for they are too scared. I know this was God given opportunity. As I shared the Gospel with my neighbor, it was different than times before. I was confident the Lord was speaking through me. I told him, “Repent of your sins. You need to repent of your sins and receive Jesus into your life.” As these words left my mouth, he began to cry. The Holy Spirit was working in his heart. The family is very wealthy business owners, but none of that could save them. By the power of the Holy Spirit my neighbor repented and accepted Christ as his Savior and Lord. I told him that God is not one who comes and goes, but that He would now continually be with him and is able to restore and renew his life. Now he is recovering as well and I was able to take a picture with him. Praise the Lord! Like in the story of the prodigal son, I believe our Father rejoiced as he received a lost son who returned into His arms!

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