Recharged to Run Again!

Despite ABBA youth conferences getting cancelled this year due to COVID-19, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, we were able to plan and hold Zoom meetings with the youth leaders from 21 different regions of Peru throughout the last two weeks of October. It was a time to get to know our ABBA youth leaders on a more personal level and hear about their walk with the Lord this past year. What a blessed time it was! We were able to hear testimonies of God’s unending goodness through the hardships they had faced in the midst of the pandemic. Everyone was touched as we were once again reminded of Abba Father’s heart towards us– He desires us to sit in His presence daily talking with Him and meditating on His word so that we are equipped to fight and claim victory over the sin-virus we face each day. Many were recharged to once again fix their eyes on Christ and run the race set before them with new strength and perseverance. As we pray about next steps, please join us to seek God’s revelation and guidance to help youth leaders to be recharged by Holy Spirit, and recharge the peers they are leading to become mighty warriors in Christ together.

ZOOMing to Meet You!

What can be more encouraging and memorable than the moment a sponsor and their sponsored individual meet? For more than 25 years, the summer mission trips were an opportunity for participating missionaries to meet children or youth who they sponsored. Usually accompanied by tears of joy and loving words, these meetings were the fulfillment of countless letters where each side expressed the desire to meet in person. With the situation in 2020, the summer mission trip was canceled and the hopes of many sponsors eager to meet their sponsored child dashed. However, hope is never lost when God is working. A new opportunity presented itself as a means for sponsors to be able to meet their sponsored individual. The end of October marked the first time sponsors in the United States were able to video chat with their Riverside Tree students in Peru. Love was transmitted across a thousand miles as stories and prayers were shared and jokes were made during this priceless time. The first two Riverside Tree students who participated, Enoc and Job Abraham, were delighted to be able to meet their sponsors for the first time ever. They now wait in anticipation for the next time they will once again talk with their loving sponsors. These video meetings have started for Riverside Tree students and their sponsors, so if you are currently sponsoring a student in Riverside Tree, please look forward to being connected with your student soon!

Where Does My Help Come From?

UPDATE (11/10/2020): Last month, we shared a story about a family who faced the tragic loss of their beloved husband and father. Just a couple weeks later, we received love offerings from sponsors whose hearts were touched by God to respond to the need of this family – God is faithful! The mother, Sister Beatriz, was able to repay the loan that was taken out for her husband’s funeral expenses and bought some clothes and a chicken and two lambs for her children. By God’s grace, her health has also been recovering. The children dearly miss their earthly father, but we trust the faith they have that their Heavenly Father is always watching over them has grown through the expression and gift of love from their sponsors in Christ!

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